Organic. Local. Produce.

“An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Our produce is delivered to retail distribution centers within 6 hours of harvest, vs. 10-12 days for 90% of the produce farmed in the U.S.

  • Our USDA organic produce is more nutritious with higher vitamin and mineral content, as it becomes available on store shelves within 24 hours of harvest. A better tasting and healthier alternative for your family.

  • Our fully automated, IOT-enabled, CEA 2.0 model enables us to grow, harvest, and package produce with zero human touch for a superior, safer USDA organic product, without any harmful pesticides and herbicides.

  • Our high decarbonization impact and resource efficiency model enables an 80% reduction in carbon footprint and a 95% reduction in water and land usage, for 40X more yields than that of open field agriculture, with no runoff.